Started with its cigar website, Kinlonz was founded in 2006. It soon become the biggest cigar website in China which provide a path for Asian to learn more about cigar knowledge. In 2009, the first Kinlonz 1492 retail shop was established in the heart of Causeway Bay, Hong Kong. By 2014, Kinlonz 1492 have expanded into the whisky industry, specialising in both Eastern and Western whiskies.
“Pursuing High Quality” is always the spirit of Kinlonz 1492. With the intention to delight and provide the finest quality cigars with a broad selection of whiskies to our customer, the addition of Kinlonz’s whisky collection seemed to blend seamlessly with their previous way of life, furthermore promoting the modern and classy Kinlonz lifestyle.
Our Company’s aim is to provide prestigious service with our rare and vintage Whisky and Cigar collection, with already a thorough collection, we wish to always accommodate and facilitate those who share the same lifestyle as we do.
The Founding of Kinlonz<br /> Started with a cigar website called and the sharing of in-depth cigar knowledge, Kinlonz has built a solid foundation for professional cigar service in asia.
Located in the core area of Causeway Bay, where showcases a number of handpicked premium cigar and whisky products.
Located in the heart of Central, it is a spacious place exclusive designed for Kinlonz’s members. Members could enjoy various classic products in the member’s room. Moreover, we have a series of rare cigar and whisky collections that only available at the Club.
After years of operation, Kinlonz 1492 is now the market leader in both whisky and cigar industries. We will continue to provide customers with the best quality and services. We are also proud to be the exclusive agent of various well-known brands, which are not only favored by our dear customers, but also reveal the professional connotation and unique vision of Kinlonz’s team.